服务器时间周一至周五 00:00-23:59
Call +44-2030978575 to speak with an HFM Execution Manager.
All HFM clients are encouraged to call the Trading desk under the following situations:
Example: Trading Desk Etiquette to close or manage a trade via the Phone:
When calling the Trading desk, the trader should immediately specify their HFM account number relating to the trade they want to manage or close.
Execution Desk: 'Can I have your phone password, please?'
Trader: 'My phone password is 12345.'
Execution Desk: 'Can you please confirm the mailing address and email relating to this account?'
Trader: 'My address is 1234 Forex Street and my email is [email protected]'
Execution Desk: 'Can I have the name on this account please? '
( 交易台人员会问这些问题,以验证致电者是否确实是帐户持有者。)
Execution Desk: 'Your close was executed at 1.3250'
If you believe that a trade was executed incorrectly, please contact the Trading Desk via telephone or email.
Trading Desk:
[email protected]
重要: 请确定您手头有关于交易的所有资讯。
夏令时:GMT+3 (DST)
法律 HF Markets (SV) Ltd 是一家在圣文森特和格林纳丁斯注册成立的国际商业企业,注册号为 22747 IBC 2015。
该网站由 HF Markets Group 公司运营并提供内容,其中包括:
风险提示:交易杠杆产品(例如外汇和相关产品)可能并不适合所有投资者,因为它们对您的资金构成高度风险。 请确保您在交易前充分了解所涉及的风险,并考虑您的投资目标和经验水平,并在必要时寻求独立建议。 请阅读完整的风险声明。
HFM 不向这些司法管辖区的居民提供服务,包括美国、加拿大、苏丹、叙利亚、伊朗、朝鲜等。
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Please be advised that we do not offer any of our services to U.S. citizens or residents.
You may continue navigating our website if YOU ARE NOT a U.S. citizen or resident, otherwise, you may leave this site.