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Instrument Sentiment


Multiple Symbols

Historic Sentiment Chart

Based on live sentiment data from FX Blue Labs, it enables you to take real-time market sentiment into account in trading decisions. You can use the sentiment information as confirmation of trading decisions, or as a fail-safe.

Key features

  • Current long or short sentiment for an instrument, i.e. a currency pair
  • A dashboard of current sentiment for multiple symbols
  • A chart of historic sentiment plotted against price

Further options

  • Choice of timeframes for historic sentiment and price
  • Customizable view of current sentiment: gauge, pie chart, dial
  • Customizable view of historic data: candlestick, line etc.
  • Dashboard of current open position in each symbol, as well as sentiment
  • Simple deal ticket for placing orders directly from the Sentiment Trader, without needing to go back to the underlying platform

How to read data

The list of available symbols is determined by popularity, i.e. the number of people trading them. For example, sentiment data is not available for CADJPY because there are typically too few traders with an open position to calculate a meaningful percentage.

If you have multiple open orders in the same symbol, then the sentiment calculation uses a single net figure for the trader's positions. For example, if a trader has an open buy order for 1.5 lots and an open sell order for 0.7 lots, then they are treated as being long. The sentiment percentage is not weighted by volume (because there are a few users with very large accounts and trade sizes). A trader who is long 0.1 lots has the same effect on the figures as a trader who is long 50 lots.


Sentiment data is also available in Alarm Manager, enabling you to create alerts about the sentiment data, and even carry out automatic actions such as placing orders when sentiment thresholds are reached.

Data Source: Market sentiment is based on real-time data taken from multiple trading service providers by our partner FXBlue and should be considered indicative only. Always keep in mind that volume data can change significally during market moves or when traders close/open positions with significant volume.

Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, investment advice or investment recommendation or solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance.