The Correlation Trader takes the valuable information in the Correlation Matrix and extends it so that you can trade real-time differences in correlation between two markets of your choice. The Correlation Trader shows not only the current correlation between the two chosen symbols, but also the recent price activity helping you to make better-informed decisions.
Main purposes
- Inspect historic correlation between symbols in more detail
- Watch for, and trade, emerging differences in that correlation
You can choose any timeframe for the historic charts – including periods such as M3 or H8 which are not always supported by the underlying platform – and you can then use your judgement, in combination with the current correlation, to watch for tradeable differences in the relationship between symbols.
The Correlation Trader includes a simple deal ticket for placing orders directly from the tool, without needing to go back to the underlying platform.
The tool can be also used just as a simple way of displaying two price charts next to each other, along with the current open position and profit for each symbol.