As an HFM ZERO account holder, you will receive RAW,
Super-Tight Spreads from leading liquidity providers with NO markups!
1. Open the MT4/MT5 on your PC and log-in to your Zero Account.
2. From the menu bar, click on View and select Symbols.
You may also simply open the Symbols window by entering Ctrl + U on your keyboard.
3. Select Forex ECN and click on Show button.
Repeat the same procedure for Forex ECN2 to list all Zero Spread instruments under the Market Watch section.
To hide the non-Zero instruments, select the required symbols and click on Hide.
Click on Close to return to MT4/MT5.
4. Under the Market Watch, you will now be able to view all the Zero Spread instruments which may be identified by the suffix b at the end of the symbol, such as, EURUSDb.
In addition to being easily identified by the suffix b at the end of the symbol, Zero Spread instruments are listed against a light blue layout (refer to illustration opposite).
Other non-Zero Spread symbols may also be listed on the Market Watch, however, those will not have b at the end of the symbol and will not be listed against the light blue background.
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