发表于 01/02/2025 00:00:00 GMT
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Crypto CFD Trading Account, a groundbreaking addition designed to empower traders in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market. With this dedicated account, you can trade cryptocurrency CFDs 24/7, seizing opportunities anytime, anywhere. Built for crypto enthusiasts and professional traders alike, the account offers seamless access through the advanced MT5 platform and our intuitive mobile app, ensuring a high-performance trading experience at your fingertips.
This new account is part of our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Whether you’re looking to diversify your trading portfolio or explore the potential of digital currencies, the Crypto CFD Trading Account provides unmatched flexibility, precision, and convenience. We invite you to explore this innovative offering and take your cryptocurrency CFD trading to the next level.
发表于 01/02/2025 00:00:00 GMT
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Crypto CFD Trading Account, a groundbreaking addition designed to empower traders in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market. With this dedicated account, you can trade cryptocurrency CFDs 24/7, seizing opportunities anytime, anywhere. Built for crypto enthusiasts and professional traders alike, the account offers seamless access through the advanced MT5 platform and our intuitive mobile app, ensuring a high-performance trading experience at your fingertips.
This new account is part of our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Whether you’re looking to diversify your trading portfolio or explore the potential of digital currencies, the Crypto CFD Trading Account provides unmatched flexibility, precision, and convenience. We invite you to explore this innovative offering and take your cryptocurrency CFD trading to the next level.
发表于 16/09/2024 11:00:00 GMT
In August 2024, our team visited the Thailand Children’s Home in Nakhon Ratchasima to support the orphanage’s ongoing mission of care and compassion. During the visit, we distributed essential items, participated in joyful activities with the children, and shared a heartfelt communal dinner prepared by the home’s staff and children. To further assist with their everyday needs, we arranged the delivery of necessary supplies, reinforcing our commitment to initiatives that uplift and empower children in need.
发表于 16/09/2024 11:00:00 GMT
In August 2024, our team visited the Thailand Children’s Home in Nakhon Ratchasima to support the orphanage’s ongoing mission of care and compassion. During the visit, we distributed essential items, participated in joyful activities with the children, and shared a heartfelt communal dinner prepared by the home’s staff and children. To further assist with their everyday needs, we arranged the delivery of necessary supplies, reinforcing our commitment to initiatives that uplift and empower children in need.
发表于 09/05/2023 11:30:00 GMT
全球多资产经纪商 HFM 宣布通过其全新的交易账户完善交易条件,并为其网站呈现全新的外观。
HFM 再次革新金融市场,推出其新的交易账户,使客户能够交易具有优越交易条件的多种资产类别,包括高达 1:2000 的更高杠杆、特定账户和特定产品的免隔息交易条件、更低的点差 ,快速存款和取款方式和超快速执行。
此外,HFM 完善了其网站,采用现代设计和直观的导航,为用户提供公司产品组合和提供的服务的友好体验。 公司还启动了升级后的开户流程; 新的轻松入门确保交易者可以快速轻松地设置他们的账户并在几分钟内开始交易市场。 “交易者在参与金融市场时需要一个稳健的交易环境。
我们相信我们的交易账户和优越的条件清楚地表明我们致力于帮助我们的客户成为自主交易者。 我们的客户和合作伙伴的需求将继续在指导未来决策方面发挥重要作用,”HFM 发言人说。
发表于 09/05/2023 11:30:00 GMT
全球多资产经纪商 HFM 宣布通过其全新的交易账户完善交易条件,并为其网站呈现全新的外观。
HFM 再次革新金融市场,推出其新的交易账户,使客户能够交易具有优越交易条件的多种资产类别,包括高达 1:2000 的更高杠杆、特定账户和特定产品的免隔息交易条件、更低的点差 ,快速存款和取款方式和超快速执行。
此外,HFM 完善了其网站,采用现代设计和直观的导航,为用户提供公司产品组合和提供的服务的友好体验。 公司还启动了升级后的开户流程; 新的轻松入门确保交易者可以快速轻松地设置他们的账户并在几分钟内开始交易市场。 “交易者在参与金融市场时需要一个稳健的交易环境。
我们相信我们的交易账户和优越的条件清楚地表明我们致力于帮助我们的客户成为自主交易者。 我们的客户和合作伙伴的需求将继续在指导未来决策方面发挥重要作用,”HFM 发言人说。
发表于 04/05/2023 12:30:00 GMT
HFM 宣布对其 HF复制交易计划进行了激动人心的升级,使其成为策略提供者 (SP) 和追随者的理想复制交易平台。
希望作为跟随者加入该计划的交易者现在只需 25 美元即可开设账户,并享受 1:500 的更高杠杆。 无需适应性测试,一键开户,HF复制交易更加快捷方便。
对于想要作为策略提供者加入该计划的交易者,不需要交易历史或适应性测试。 此外,开户最低存款额已从 300 美元降至 100 美元,而现在可以使用更高的 1:500 的杠杆。 策略提供者最多可以有 5 个不同的策略账户,每个账户最多可以有 200 位跟随者。
HFM 的一位发言人评论说:“我们很高兴能为我们的 HF复制交易客户带来这些独家福利和优势。 无论他们是想以策略提供者的身份脱颖而出,还是想以跟随者的身份将交易知识提升到一个新的水平,我们升级后的 HF复制交易计划都可以让任何人发挥最大的交易潜力。
发表于 04/05/2023 12:30:00 GMT
HFM 宣布对其 HF复制交易计划进行了激动人心的升级,使其成为策略提供者 (SP) 和追随者的理想复制交易平台。
希望作为跟随者加入该计划的交易者现在只需 25 美元即可开设账户,并享受 1:500 的更高杠杆。 无需适应性测试,一键开户,HF复制交易更加快捷方便。
对于想要作为策略提供者加入该计划的交易者,不需要交易历史或适应性测试。 此外,开户最低存款额已从 300 美元降至 100 美元,而现在可以使用更高的 1:500 的杠杆。 策略提供者最多可以有 5 个不同的策略账户,每个账户最多可以有 200 位跟随者。
HFM 的一位发言人评论说:“我们很高兴能为我们的 HF复制交易客户带来这些独家福利和优势。 无论他们是想以策略提供者的身份脱颖而出,还是想以跟随者的身份将交易知识提升到一个新的水平,我们升级后的 HF复制交易计划都可以让任何人发挥最大的交易潜力。
发表于 11/04/2023 12:17:42 GMT
HFM has further expanded its already impressive 3,500 product offering as a part of its ongoing efforts to provide the best trading experience and opportunities for portfolio diversification.
The new blue chip assets from the US, Germany and France have been added on the broker’s MT4 platform as CFD Stocks. This means that traders can now access the equities of some of the world’s largest and most well-known companies such as JPMORGAN, BMW, BNP and more, with flexible leverage, low spreads and competitive commission.
An HFM spokesperson said: “Our status as one of the best brokers in the industry is due in part to our continuous commitment to enhancing our product offerings, our services and our trading conditions at every opportunity. We are excited to bring these new stocks to our traders, always with the same great trading conditions, and help them further diversify their portfolios.”
发表于 11/04/2023 12:17:42 GMT
HFM has further expanded its already impressive 3,500 product offering as a part of its ongoing efforts to provide the best trading experience and opportunities for portfolio diversification.
The new blue chip assets from the US, Germany and France have been added on the broker’s MT4 platform as CFD Stocks. This means that traders can now access the equities of some of the world’s largest and most well-known companies such as JPMORGAN, BMW, BNP and more, with flexible leverage, low spreads and competitive commission.
An HFM spokesperson said: “Our status as one of the best brokers in the industry is due in part to our continuous commitment to enhancing our product offerings, our services and our trading conditions at every opportunity. We are excited to bring these new stocks to our traders, always with the same great trading conditions, and help them further diversify their portfolios.”
发表于 15/03/2023 12:00:00 GMT
HFM 的AI 化身凯特是一个计算机生成的角色,能够说 120 多种语言和口音。 除了虚拟形象的真实感,凯特还是将帮助HFM 客户保持领先地位、了解全球金融市场的另一重渠道。 该工具主要用于培训视频、操作方法视频以及产品营销视频。
HFM 发言人在评论虚拟分析师时表示: “我们真的很高兴能够以这种互动、有趣和引人入胜的方式向我们的全球客户群传播信息。 我们的目标是让现有和潜在客户尽可能接近金融市场,实现这一目标的方法是在虚拟分析师凯特的帮助下为他们带来身临其境的交易体验。
” 总的来说,HFM认为引入虚拟分析师和将人工智能融入其服务是一个积极的发展,可以将交易者带入行动的中间,帮助他们提高交易技能。这不仅有助于HFM更好地了解客户和发展更具同理心的互动,还可以通过更有效的沟通提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
发表于 15/03/2023 12:00:00 GMT
HFM 的AI 化身凯特是一个计算机生成的角色,能够说 120 多种语言和口音。 除了虚拟形象的真实感,凯特还是将帮助HFM 客户保持领先地位、了解全球金融市场的另一重渠道。 该工具主要用于培训视频、操作方法视频以及产品营销视频。
HFM 发言人在评论虚拟分析师时表示: “我们真的很高兴能够以这种互动、有趣和引人入胜的方式向我们的全球客户群传播信息。 我们的目标是让现有和潜在客户尽可能接近金融市场,实现这一目标的方法是在虚拟分析师凯特的帮助下为他们带来身临其境的交易体验。
” 总的来说,HFM认为引入虚拟分析师和将人工智能融入其服务是一个积极的发展,可以将交易者带入行动的中间,帮助他们提高交易技能。这不仅有助于HFM更好地了解客户和发展更具同理心的互动,还可以通过更有效的沟通提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
发表于 03/10/2022 07:00:00 GMT
我们很自豪地宣布推出我们全新的HFM 应用程序,为客户提供全方位定制的移动交易体验!
在新的功能中,屡获殊荣的 HFM 应用程序允许我们的客户直接在应用程序上访问他们的账户并交易超过 1200 种资产的差价合约。便捷的界面允许简单和超快速的交易执行,而交易者有机会使用三种交易选项(数量、手数或单位)自定义交易,访问每笔交易的详细历史记录并分析其表现,全天候7天24小时监控他们的订单,随时随地享受轻松交易。
HFM 发言人表示: “经过数月的开发和严格测试,我们很自豪能够发布我们全新的 HFM 移动交易应用程序。我们的全球客户,其中许多人首选是移动设备,因此我们希望让移动交易尽可能直观和实用,使他们能够访问全球金融市场并在应用程序内享受无缝交易。”
发表于 03/10/2022 07:00:00 GMT
我们很自豪地宣布推出我们全新的HFM 应用程序,为客户提供全方位定制的移动交易体验!
在新的功能中,屡获殊荣的 HFM 应用程序允许我们的客户直接在应用程序上访问他们的账户并交易超过 1200 种资产的差价合约。便捷的界面允许简单和超快速的交易执行,而交易者有机会使用三种交易选项(数量、手数或单位)自定义交易,访问每笔交易的详细历史记录并分析其表现,全天候7天24小时监控他们的订单,随时随地享受轻松交易。
HFM 发言人表示: “经过数月的开发和严格测试,我们很自豪能够发布我们全新的 HFM 移动交易应用程序。我们的全球客户,其中许多人首选是移动设备,因此我们希望让移动交易尽可能直观和实用,使他们能够访问全球金融市场并在应用程序内享受无缝交易。”
发表于 01/06/2022 10:00:00 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布,我们已将广泛的产品范围扩大到包括实物股票。这一新增功能为我们的客户提供了以零佣金投资 2000 多只实物股票和拥有高价值股票的机会。
有了这个新的交易选项,HFM 客户还可以仅用 5 美元购买零星股票。通过直接访问世界上最大的证券交易所,投资者将获得亚马逊、苹果、Alphabet、特斯拉等市场领先股票的实时价格。
HFM 发言人表示: “我们提供的每一款新产品都是由投资者需求驱动的,以便为我们的客户提供量身定制的投资解决方案。我们很高兴我们的客户现在能够通过一些全球最大的企业集团的股票来分散他们的投资组合。这只是我们成为全球交易者一站式经纪目的地的长期愿景的第一步。”
发表于 01/06/2022 10:00:00 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布,我们已将广泛的产品范围扩大到包括实物股票。这一新增功能为我们的客户提供了以零佣金投资 2000 多只实物股票和拥有高价值股票的机会。
有了这个新的交易选项,HFM 客户还可以仅用 5 美元购买零星股票。通过直接访问世界上最大的证券交易所,投资者将获得亚马逊、苹果、Alphabet、特斯拉等市场领先股票的实时价格。
HFM 发言人表示: “我们提供的每一款新产品都是由投资者需求驱动的,以便为我们的客户提供量身定制的投资解决方案。我们很高兴我们的客户现在能够通过一些全球最大的企业集团的股票来分散他们的投资组合。这只是我们成为全球交易者一站式经纪目的地的长期愿景的第一步。”
发表于 02/05/2022 12:30:00 GMT
在经过 12 年的迅速发展,作为开设了超过 350 万个真实账户并成为真正的全球首选经纪商的我们将于 2022 年 5 月 2 日进入一个新的时代,新品牌名称 HFM 更准确地反映了我们多种多样的交易工具以及我们提供的独特交易体验。
HF Markets Group 首席执行官 George Koumantaris 表示:“我们认为是时候以更短、更令人难忘和更现代化的名称迎接未来了,让我们的品牌随着我们不断扩大的产品供应而发展。我们在 9 个资产类别中提供超过 1200 种产品,品牌名称中使用“外汇”不再足以能够完全体现我们提供的屡获殊荣的交易体验。 我们的客户网站或交易平台的访问不会发生任何操作变化或影响,我们将继续致力于我们诚实、开放和透明的核心价值观。
发表于 02/05/2022 12:30:00 GMT
在经过 12 年的迅速发展,作为开设了超过 350 万个真实账户并成为真正的全球首选经纪商的我们将于 2022 年 5 月 2 日进入一个新的时代,新品牌名称 HFM 更准确地反映了我们多种多样的交易工具以及我们提供的独特交易体验。
HF Markets Group 首席执行官 George Koumantaris 表示:“我们认为是时候以更短、更令人难忘和更现代化的名称迎接未来了,让我们的品牌随着我们不断扩大的产品供应而发展。我们在 9 个资产类别中提供超过 1200 种产品,品牌名称中使用“外汇”不再足以能够完全体现我们提供的屡获殊荣的交易体验。 我们的客户网站或交易平台的访问不会发生任何操作变化或影响,我们将继续致力于我们诚实、开放和透明的核心价值观。
发表于 26/01/2022 09:00:00 GMT
We are happy to announce that the HotForex brand, a unified brand name of HF Markets Group, is now licensed and regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya through HFM Investments Limited, under license number 155.
This new license marks a new milestone in the steady growth of HotForex, which has become a truly global and multi-regulated brand over the past ten years. It also demonstrates the continued success of the HF Markets Group, made possible by our clients, partners and the dedicated efforts of the HotForex team to offer the safest trading environment possible to millions of traders around the world.
This latest prestigious license is in addition to existing licenses and regulation from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, and the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).
发表于 26/01/2022 09:00:00 GMT
We are happy to announce that the HotForex brand, a unified brand name of HF Markets Group, is now licensed and regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya through HFM Investments Limited, under license number 155.
This new license marks a new milestone in the steady growth of HotForex, which has become a truly global and multi-regulated brand over the past ten years. It also demonstrates the continued success of the HF Markets Group, made possible by our clients, partners and the dedicated efforts of the HotForex team to offer the safest trading environment possible to millions of traders around the world.
This latest prestigious license is in addition to existing licenses and regulation from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, and the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).
发表于 09/11/2021 13:26:01 GMT
公司将继续ROFM(可用保证金回馈)100万美元现金奖励活动,继续为客户提供富有奖励的交易体验。 加入 ROFM 的新老客户可以获得直接存入其账户的可用保证金的回报。
发表于 09/11/2021 13:26:01 GMT
公司将继续ROFM(可用保证金回馈)100万美元现金奖励活动,继续为客户提供富有奖励的交易体验。 加入 ROFM 的新老客户可以获得直接存入其账户的可用保证金的回报。
发表于 13/08/2021 05:54:07 GMT
We are excited to welcome Lionel Messi and all the club’s new arrivals including Georginio Wijnaldum, Achraf Hakimi, Sergio Ramos and Gianluigi Donnarumma and wish them the best of luck throughout the season.
In many ways, Paris Saint-Germain were by far the big winners of the summer transfer window, having realized the ultimate dream team. The French club managed to build an incredibly talented squad with several high-profile players ready to line up for another successful season.
A HotForex spokesperson commented: “As official partners and proud supporters of Paris Saint-Germain we are thrilled to be cheering on the team for another successful season! Undoubtedly, Paris Saint-Germain has set up one of the mightiest teams in history and we are certain there is more to come.”
Acting as the French football club’s Official Online Trading Partner for a second consecutive season, we will continue engaging our clients and football fans with new activities and educating them about the shared values of online trading and football.
发表于 13/08/2021 05:54:07 GMT
We are excited to welcome Lionel Messi and all the club’s new arrivals including Georginio Wijnaldum, Achraf Hakimi, Sergio Ramos and Gianluigi Donnarumma and wish them the best of luck throughout the season.
In many ways, Paris Saint-Germain were by far the big winners of the summer transfer window, having realized the ultimate dream team. The French club managed to build an incredibly talented squad with several high-profile players ready to line up for another successful season.
A HotForex spokesperson commented: “As official partners and proud supporters of Paris Saint-Germain we are thrilled to be cheering on the team for another successful season! Undoubtedly, Paris Saint-Germain has set up one of the mightiest teams in history and we are certain there is more to come.”
Acting as the French football club’s Official Online Trading Partner for a second consecutive season, we will continue engaging our clients and football fans with new activities and educating them about the shared values of online trading and football.
发表于 03/08/2021 10:00:00 GMT
了解更多信息发表于 03/08/2021 10:00:00 GMT
了解更多信息发表于 19/05/2021 08:00:00 GMT
Dear Clients,
We would like to announce that the Road to Paris trading contest, organized in the context of our official partnership with Paris Saint-Germain F.C. successfully ended on April 30th.
The contest attracted an impressive number of traders making it a tight race to the top. A unique all-inclusive Paris Saint-Germain experience was offered to the 1st place winner whereas the 2nd-5th top traders of the contest were awarded a $1000 cash prize each.
We would like to thank all the participants for their enthusiastic participation in the contest.
发表于 19/05/2021 08:00:00 GMT
Dear Clients,
We would like to announce that the Road to Paris trading contest, organized in the context of our official partnership with Paris Saint-Germain F.C. successfully ended on April 30th.
The contest attracted an impressive number of traders making it a tight race to the top. A unique all-inclusive Paris Saint-Germain experience was offered to the 1st place winner whereas the 2nd-5th top traders of the contest were awarded a $1000 cash prize each.
We would like to thank all the participants for their enthusiastic participation in the contest.
发表于 11/05/2021 09:56:08 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布我们推出了RevShare +,这是一项新的奖励计划,旨在通过为您提供高达5000美元的额外奖励来帮助您增加收入!
作为HF合作伙伴,您可以选择加入RevShare +计划,并在现有代理佣金的基础上每月赚取额外的奖金。
发表于 11/05/2021 09:56:08 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布我们推出了RevShare +,这是一项新的奖励计划,旨在通过为您提供高达5000美元的额外奖励来帮助您增加收入!
作为HF合作伙伴,您可以选择加入RevShare +计划,并在现有代理佣金的基础上每月赚取额外的奖金。
发表于 09/04/2021 11:24:57 GMT
Dear Clients,
We are delighted to announce that the Road to Paris trading contest has been extended to 30th April 2021!
This extension means that traders already participating have now the opportunity to increase their lead to win a once-in-a-lifetime experience which includes attending a Paris Saint-Germain training session, two matchday VIP seats and two stadium tour tickets with travel expenses and accommodation covered!
It also means that we will be rewarding another two traders who demonstrate the best weekly improvement with $500 each.
The Road to Paris trading contest is giving the 1st place winner the all-inclusive experience with their favourite team Paris Saint-Germain and $1000 each to the 2nd-5th top traders whereas a $500 cash prize is given every week to the trader with the greatest improvement.
If you haven’t joined until today, you have the chance to start proving your skills and be rewarded.
发表于 09/04/2021 11:24:57 GMT
Dear Clients,
We are delighted to announce that the Road to Paris trading contest has been extended to 30th April 2021!
This extension means that traders already participating have now the opportunity to increase their lead to win a once-in-a-lifetime experience which includes attending a Paris Saint-Germain training session, two matchday VIP seats and two stadium tour tickets with travel expenses and accommodation covered!
It also means that we will be rewarding another two traders who demonstrate the best weekly improvement with $500 each.
The Road to Paris trading contest is giving the 1st place winner the all-inclusive experience with their favourite team Paris Saint-Germain and $1000 each to the 2nd-5th top traders whereas a $500 cash prize is given every week to the trader with the greatest improvement.
If you haven’t joined until today, you have the chance to start proving your skills and be rewarded.
发表于 11/03/2021 12:00:01 GMT
Dear clients and partners,
We are giving our clients and football fans the opportunity to win a once-in-a lifetime Paris Saint- Germain experience and generous cash prizes in an all new and exciting trading contest.
Join the Road to Paris trading contest to win dream prizes!
“Our partnership with Paris Saint-Germain has been extremely valuable and we are excited to be offering our clients and supporters this trading opportunity” a HotForex spokesperson said. “We equally welcome all new and existing clients and football enthusiasts to exhibit their trading skills for a chance to win an all-inclusive experience relating to their favourite team and official partner of ours, Paris Saint-Germain.”
With the Road to Paris Trading Contest, HotForex clients have once again the opportunity to put their trading skills to the test and go in for fantastic cash prizes offered to the top five traders and a VIP experience money cannot buy which includes, amongst others:
Marc Armstrong, Paris Saint-Germain Chief Partnerships Officer added: “It is always very exciting for us to have the opportunity to work with a brand that shares our commitment and vision for success. We are delighted to be sharing our love of the game with all HotForex clients, offering them the opportunity to get behind the scenes at the Parc des Princes stadium and experience the thrill and excitement of their favourite team first-hand.”
发表于 11/03/2021 12:00:01 GMT
Dear clients and partners,
We are giving our clients and football fans the opportunity to win a once-in-a lifetime Paris Saint- Germain experience and generous cash prizes in an all new and exciting trading contest.
Join the Road to Paris trading contest to win dream prizes!
“Our partnership with Paris Saint-Germain has been extremely valuable and we are excited to be offering our clients and supporters this trading opportunity” a HotForex spokesperson said. “We equally welcome all new and existing clients and football enthusiasts to exhibit their trading skills for a chance to win an all-inclusive experience relating to their favourite team and official partner of ours, Paris Saint-Germain.”
With the Road to Paris Trading Contest, HotForex clients have once again the opportunity to put their trading skills to the test and go in for fantastic cash prizes offered to the top five traders and a VIP experience money cannot buy which includes, amongst others:
Marc Armstrong, Paris Saint-Germain Chief Partnerships Officer added: “It is always very exciting for us to have the opportunity to work with a brand that shares our commitment and vision for success. We are delighted to be sharing our love of the game with all HotForex clients, offering them the opportunity to get behind the scenes at the Parc des Princes stadium and experience the thrill and excitement of their favourite team first-hand.”
发表于 16/11/2020 09:00:00 GMT
Dear clients and partners,
We are thrilled to announce that for our latest partnership we have become an Official Partner of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. for the 2020-21 season!
The partnership will combine trading excellence and football finesse in a collaboration between a leading football team and market leading broker that share the passion required to be at the top. According to our statement: “We are incredibly proud to announce that HotForex is an Official Partner of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Through this partnership, we are thrilled to offer our valued clients VIP tickets, exclusive gifts and events.”
HotForex spokesperson said: “This partnership is an exciting opportunity to bring together two brands who share global recognition for their commitment to excellence. Together we look forward to establishing new standards and offering clientele and supporters a truly unique experience.”
HotForex is an internationally acclaimed multi-asset broker of choice to over 2.5 million live accounts worldwide that has earned over 45 coveted industry awards in its ten year history. Paris Saint-Germain F.C.’s popularity and success are also recognized worldwide, and it has a star-studded roster including Neymar Jr., Kylian Mbappé and Ángel Di Maria.
发表于 16/11/2020 09:00:00 GMT
Dear clients and partners,
We are thrilled to announce that for our latest partnership we have become an Official Partner of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. for the 2020-21 season!
The partnership will combine trading excellence and football finesse in a collaboration between a leading football team and market leading broker that share the passion required to be at the top. According to our statement: “We are incredibly proud to announce that HotForex is an Official Partner of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Through this partnership, we are thrilled to offer our valued clients VIP tickets, exclusive gifts and events.”
HotForex spokesperson said: “This partnership is an exciting opportunity to bring together two brands who share global recognition for their commitment to excellence. Together we look forward to establishing new standards and offering clientele and supporters a truly unique experience.”
HotForex is an internationally acclaimed multi-asset broker of choice to over 2.5 million live accounts worldwide that has earned over 45 coveted industry awards in its ten year history. Paris Saint-Germain F.C.’s popularity and success are also recognized worldwide, and it has a star-studded roster including Neymar Jr., Kylian Mbappé and Ángel Di Maria.
发表于 06/05/2020 09:00:00 GMT
从现在起到2020年年底,免费保证金回馈活动将为我们的客户提供每月可提取式奖金回馈,而HF合作伙伴 10周年奖金活动为我们的合作伙伴提供了每月高达3千美元的可提取奖金。
发表于 06/05/2020 09:00:00 GMT
从现在起到2020年年底,免费保证金回馈活动将为我们的客户提供每月可提取式奖金回馈,而HF合作伙伴 10周年奖金活动为我们的合作伙伴提供了每月高达3千美元的可提取奖金。
发表于 18/03/2020 11:00:00 GMT
随着新型冠状病毒情势的持续发展,我们向大家做出承诺HotForex 已全方位部署以确保我们业务的持续性,不会因为情势的发展对我们的服务造成任何干扰。
发表于 18/03/2020 11:00:00 GMT
随着新型冠状病毒情势的持续发展,我们向大家做出承诺HotForex 已全方位部署以确保我们业务的持续性,不会因为情势的发展对我们的服务造成任何干扰。
发表于 06/02/2020 11:00:12 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布,我们再次涉足行业第一! 这次,我们将进入电竞领域与世界上最大的足球俱乐部之一Santos FC的官方电子竞技部门Santos e-Sports合作。
该团队将成为Santos HotForex e-Sports,并在即将举行的比赛中展示专用的组合徽标,从而将HotForex推广给数百万名观众。
HotForex行政总裁George Koumantaris表示:我们看到交易与迷人的电子竞技世界之间存在许多相似之处,并期待探索现实的目标设定,有效的情绪控制和正确的思维方式如何在现场和市场上帮助玩家 。
发表于 06/02/2020 11:00:12 GMT
我们很高兴地宣布,我们再次涉足行业第一! 这次,我们将进入电竞领域与世界上最大的足球俱乐部之一Santos FC的官方电子竞技部门Santos e-Sports合作。
该团队将成为Santos HotForex e-Sports,并在即将举行的比赛中展示专用的组合徽标,从而将HotForex推广给数百万名观众。
HotForex行政总裁George Koumantaris表示:我们看到交易与迷人的电子竞技世界之间存在许多相似之处,并期待探索现实的目标设定,有效的情绪控制和正确的思维方式如何在现场和市场上帮助玩家 。
发表于 23/01/2020 10:00:00 GMT
我们革命性的零点差账户,独特的HF复制账户专有的复制交易平台以及市场领先的高达500万欧元的资金安全权益保障险,这些都是我们已经在行业中声名留下印记的一些方式,并且我们不断在寻找新的方法来增强我们的服务。 HotForex首席执行官George Koumantaris表示:“我们致力于成为以客户服务闻名的全球市场领导者,并始终将忠实的客户放在我们所做工作的核心。
为了表示我们对他们支持的感谢,我们将不断努力,以确保我们的产品和服务能够反映出行业所能提供的最好的服务,并期望在未来十年甚至更长的时间内做到这一点! ”
发表于 23/01/2020 10:00:00 GMT
我们革命性的零点差账户,独特的HF复制账户专有的复制交易平台以及市场领先的高达500万欧元的资金安全权益保障险,这些都是我们已经在行业中声名留下印记的一些方式,并且我们不断在寻找新的方法来增强我们的服务。 HotForex首席执行官George Koumantaris表示:“我们致力于成为以客户服务闻名的全球市场领导者,并始终将忠实的客户放在我们所做工作的核心。
为了表示我们对他们支持的感谢,我们将不断努力,以确保我们的产品和服务能够反映出行业所能提供的最好的服务,并期望在未来十年甚至更长的时间内做到这一点! ”
发表于 08/10/2019 16:00:00 GMT
HotForex的另一个奖项标志着该公司在外汇行业中的成功市场领先地位,因为该公司已在《国际商业杂志》奖中荣获“ 2019年亚洲最佳外汇经纪商”大奖。
发表于 08/10/2019 16:00:00 GMT
HotForex的另一个奖项标志着该公司在外汇行业中的成功市场领先地位,因为该公司已在《国际商业杂志》奖中荣获“ 2019年亚洲最佳外汇经纪商”大奖。
发表于 04/03/2019 08:30:45 GMT
HotForex is proud to announce its latest high-profile campaign, this time with the legendary actor Sean Bean, who features in our exclusive educational webinar exploring the forex industry and explaining its key concepts!
The deal was celebrated with a special event held at the HotForex offices.
“Sean Bean’s role as Lord Stark in the Game of Thrones series was particularly intriguing. Eddard Stark was a man of principle who also possessed a strong sense of duty. This gave us an extra motive to pursue the collaboration, as HotForex is an ethical broker which respects its clients and has as a main priority to protect their interests,” a HotForex representative explained.
发表于 04/03/2019 08:30:45 GMT
HotForex is proud to announce its latest high-profile campaign, this time with the legendary actor Sean Bean, who features in our exclusive educational webinar exploring the forex industry and explaining its key concepts!
The deal was celebrated with a special event held at the HotForex offices.
“Sean Bean’s role as Lord Stark in the Game of Thrones series was particularly intriguing. Eddard Stark was a man of principle who also possessed a strong sense of duty. This gave us an extra motive to pursue the collaboration, as HotForex is an ethical broker which respects its clients and has as a main priority to protect their interests,” a HotForex representative explained.
发表于 12/02/2019 08:30:03 GMT
HotForex チーム
发表于 12/02/2019 08:30:03 GMT
HotForex チーム
发表于 15/01/2019 08:30:08 GMT
Trading services provider HF Markets has marked its dynamic entry into the UK, as the Group’s operations are constantly expanding hand in hand with its efforts to secure globally acknowledged trading licences.
Award-winning forex and commodities broker, HF Markets has revealed that it has added the esteemed Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) licence to its long list of credentials, and as a result HF Markets (UK) Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under firm reference number 801701.
HF Markets (UK) Ltd is part of HF Markets Group – widely known by the trading names HF Markets and HotForex – a conglomerate which encompasses global and regulated entities operating as multi-asset brokers.
发表于 15/01/2019 08:30:08 GMT
Trading services provider HF Markets has marked its dynamic entry into the UK, as the Group’s operations are constantly expanding hand in hand with its efforts to secure globally acknowledged trading licences.
Award-winning forex and commodities broker, HF Markets has revealed that it has added the esteemed Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) licence to its long list of credentials, and as a result HF Markets (UK) Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under firm reference number 801701.
HF Markets (UK) Ltd is part of HF Markets Group – widely known by the trading names HF Markets and HotForex – a conglomerate which encompasses global and regulated entities operating as multi-asset brokers.
发表于 08/01/2019 08:30:40 GMT
The multi-award winning trading name HF Markets has now expanded its services to Dubai as it continues to enhance its reputation as a global broker of choice.
HF Markets is now authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) under licence number F004885, the latest addition to the list of respected financial authorities which support the global broker.
HF Markets (DIFC) Ltd is part of HF Markets Group – widely known by the trading names HF Markets and HotForex – a conglomerate which encompasses global and regulated entities operating as multi-asset brokers.
发表于 08/01/2019 08:30:40 GMT
The multi-award winning trading name HF Markets has now expanded its services to Dubai as it continues to enhance its reputation as a global broker of choice.
HF Markets is now authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) under licence number F004885, the latest addition to the list of respected financial authorities which support the global broker.
HF Markets (DIFC) Ltd is part of HF Markets Group – widely known by the trading names HF Markets and HotForex – a conglomerate which encompasses global and regulated entities operating as multi-asset brokers.
发表于 08/01/2019 08:30:32 GMT
Being the proud sponsor of Tio Ellinas who competes for the second season at Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain, HotForex is delighted to offer a unique experience to a skilled trader!
The Checkered Flag Contest gives you the chance to win the experience of a lifetime:
The other four traders who complete the top five get to win some other generous prizes! To learn more about the competition and see exclusive photos of Tio Ellinas, click here.
The Checkered Flag Contest runs only until July 31, so don’t waste more time!
发表于 08/01/2019 08:30:32 GMT
Being the proud sponsor of Tio Ellinas who competes for the second season at Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain, HotForex is delighted to offer a unique experience to a skilled trader!
The Checkered Flag Contest gives you the chance to win the experience of a lifetime:
The other four traders who complete the top five get to win some other generous prizes! To learn more about the competition and see exclusive photos of Tio Ellinas, click here.
The Checkered Flag Contest runs only until July 31, so don’t waste more time!