
Fibonacci - Popular, Powerful and Self-fulfilling.

28 January 2025, 11:00 AM GMT



In this webinar:

Fibonacci rules in life, nature and the financial markets have been around for many years. But many traders misinterpret them and do not know where to start or which levels will or will not hold. Join Andria today as she demystifies this powerful trading tool, answering questions such as:

  • Where does the trend start and where is the next level?
  • What is the importance of the cluster?
  • Levels - rejection or confirmation?

About Andria Pichidi,
HFM’s Analyst

Andria Pichidi在英國完成5年的學習後,獲得了巴斯大學數學和物理學學士學位和數學博士學位,她還取得了萊斯特大學精算學研究生學位。

在完成了學業後,Andria將目光投向了令人神往的外匯行業。過去幾年,她在這個領域積累了寶貴的經驗。 2016年,她加入HFM成為市場分析師,通過遞送每日市場觀察,積極支持公司客戶成為更出色的交易者。

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